Have you ever...

You are not alone!

Transparency, practical insight, & sound biblical reflection.
— John Doe, Happy Customer


Rick DeMass is a graduate of Covenant Theological Seminary. and has been an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) since 1994. He was the associate pastor of Faith Presbyterian Church in Tacoma, WA for 25 years.

He has been concentrating on counseling men one on one, and leading them in small accountability groups since 2016.

“Men need to know they are not alone in this struggle. They also need a well balanced, tailor-made battle plan. They need effective accountability. They need to break the silence and be better equipped to mentor their sons to pursue sexual integrity in an increasingly sexually broken culture.”



Why "Sword & Shield"?

“... take up the SHIELD of faith, ... and the SWORD of the Spirit, which is the word of God...” - Ephesians 6:16, 17

In our battle for sexual integrity we use the weapons God has given us. A well fought fight includes using our SWORD & SHIELD.


Contact Rick

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